The Wrinkle Fairies Make A Mistake

The Wrinkle Fairies Make A Mistake

This unique book is a combination of storytelling delightcolouring-in, pleasure and inspirational upliftment.

Delight your children. You can read this book to them at night, and they can colour in the pictures at day. They love it!  So do the adult readers who get a delightful motivational lift from the reading.

The idea for the story came during a late-night look into the mirror, and as the author contemplated more crinkles on her neck, her motivator’s mind insisted that there must be a positive angle to these developments. In a flash the wrinkle fairies were born. To her delight she discovered that her neighbour was a very talented illustrator, and the project got underway with vigour. And soon, The wrinkle fairies was the favourite of children and Mom’s alike!

In this delightful mix up between Fairy Land and Earth, the wrinkle fairies find themselves in hot water after they paint winkles on the wrong person’s face. The story unfolds as everyone rushes to restore things to the right order.

  • Thrill your kids with the idea that fairies make people look old but only when they have wisdom
  • Give them a view the realities of life (your own aging process) from a positive perspective
  • Offer them the pleasure by printing the book, and letting them being part of the process by colouring in their favourite pictures

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