A personal welcome
from Cat!

This site is a resource to empower your walk to being a brilliant deliberate manifester. It has free mini podcasts to inspire and also help you when you are stuck; meditations to help you align to your best life – and your soul; podcasts where I interview interesting people about their manifestation life – and lots of articles on various subjects like manifesting money. It’s meant to be a dynamic resource for you – where you can also buy my books and audios. You can hear from me personally by signing up to my quick-to-read newsletter.

What is manifestation

First and foremost, manifestation is a deeply spiritual process and event.

  • It’s the movement of formless into form.
  • It’s energy at work. It’s Soul in action – or non-action.
  • It’s about heart, not head.
  • It’s not something you do – like running, praying, eating. It’s a material expression of your vibrational frequency.
  • It’s goal achievement, with cosmic extras.
  • It’s not about mind power! The minute you use intellect to drive the process is the minute that its vibrational quality drops. That gets things going in the wrong way.
  • It’s not something you have to learn from scratch. You arrived on the planet with your manifestation switch turned ON.

Deliberate manifestation is the process of allowing the energy of your Soul to flow through you and into your life, to be the creative manifesting force. The challenge is to get into positive relationship with all the affairs, events and circumstances of your life, and then things flow.

Cat Glennie knows about answering the call of Soul.

At age 25, already a single parent, she had a ‘moment’ and saw herself standing before God accounting for her life. She didn’t like what she saw. Too dull. Too fearful. Too constricted and way off who she really was. At that moment she decided she would live fully, irrespective. She began taking big risks and started climbing the corporate ladder. But that was only the beginning.

In 1989 she walked away from a salaried job to start an IT business – in times of recession – and she did it, winning big clients although she was a micro business. In 1997 she reinvented herself to enter the world of motivational training – fulfilling her heart’s desire to teach and motivate.

In 2005 Soul knocked on her door once more, so she packed up and went to live and learn in a spiritual educational centre in Scotland where she set out to ‘see beyond the veil’. In 2009 she returned to South Africa with a totally different understanding of the flow of success and how it comes about. She started offering workshops on manifestation, and people’s lives started changing big time.

Her work is more than fresh and unique. Its revolutionary. Its sweeps away old and flawed ideas about manifestation and puts people in touch with its true source – the energies of Soul. Its equips people with high vibrational techniques and principles that shift energy and open doors.

Her teachings have empowered thousands of people worldwide. What she suggests you do, she has done. That counts for a lot. She is a woman connected to Soul, who can teach about Soul. She is the Soul Lady. Her vision is that everybody on the planet lives aligned to Soul, and its purpose for their lives. Her mission is to show how.

Listen to an interview with Cat

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